Prov 6:2
2 You are snared with the words of your lips, you are caught by the speech of your mouth.
Matt 12:34-37
34 You offspring of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil (wicked)? For out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth speaks.
35 The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things.
36 But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.
37 For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.
Luke 19:20-22
20 "Then another [servant] came, saying, 'Master, here is your mina, which I have kept put away in a handkerchief.
21 For I feared you, because you are an austere man. You collect what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.'
22 And he said to him,'Out of your own mouth I will judge you, you wicked servant. You knew that I was an austere man, collecting what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow.
Mark 11:23
23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
My Comments:
F.F Bosworth (1877-1958), a great healing evangelist in the days of the early Pentecostal Movement till the Healing Revivals in the 1950s said once that "You will never rise above the level of your confession".
Have you ever noticed that you're always bound to what you said, in one way or another? The Bible states clearly both in the Old and New Testaments that we're bound by what we said!
The writer of Proverbs 6:2 stated clearly that we're caught by what we said. If we said something, or promised to do something, we're bound to perform according to what we said. Are you familiar with the phrase "Your word is your bond."? People will always remember what you are according to what you said.
Notice that Jesus, in talking to the Pharisees, gave further depth to what was written in Proverbs 6:2 by declaring that we would be either justified or condemned by what we said. Try looking back over the years and examine the words you spoke. You'd find that in some way or another, the words you spoke had an impact in molding you into the person you are today.
The parable of the Minas (Luke 19:11-27) shows a literal application on how we're bound by what we say. Note what the 3rd servant said to his master in v21, and the master's response in the following verse:
21 For I feared you, because you are an austere man. You collect what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.'
22 And he said to him,'Out of your own mouth I will judge you, you wicked servant. You knew that I was an austere man, collecting what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow.
The master said clearly, "Out of your own mouth I will judge you". That servant confessed that his master was an austere [stern, hard, severe] man, and he was judged based on how he saw his master!
Tying this back to Mark 11:23, Jesus said that we would have whatever we said. How much more we should examine the words that we speak, that we speak life and not death into our situations, knowing that our words have a material impact on how we live!
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