Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Keep Preparing, Your Faith Will See You Through!

September 2015

Dear Friend,

This isn’t actually a bona fide original letter but I’m thankful that I heard Nancy Dufresne give the following statement as it opened up some things in me:

Faith will reach into the plan of God and make preparation for it.
- Nancy Dufresne

If you have been following this blog for some time, you may have come across a statement I made that the message of faith in God wasn’t just a teaching to be intellectually understood but it was a lifestyle that every one of us should live.

In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul made the following statement:

2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV)
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Our faith in God goes beyond what we can see with our physical eyes and into the future, believing that what He said and promised concerning us will come to pass. However, we also read in James’ letter to the church,

James 2:17 (AMP)
So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).

Who you and I are today is a result of what we believed and acted on yesterday. And what we believe and act on today will change our destiny tomorrow and hereafter. Our faith in God will give direction to our actions and shape the destiny and quality of life that we walk out in the years to come.

Without going deeply into the Greek meanings behind Hebrews 11:3, I’ll use what a friend of mine wrote concerning it:

Hebrews 11:3 (paraphrased)
by hearing and believing in God’s word, the ages of time have been shaped by men and women who then brought unseen purposes into the seen realm.
- Toni Haskell, It’s About Time

History has been made by people who believed the Word and acted on it, making preparation for it. If we look at the life of Noah, we can see how he had faith in God and made preparation for the manifestation of that faith when he built the ark (read Genesis chapters 5 to 7).

From reading the chapter, we find the following details:
  1. Noah was around 500 years of age when God commanded him to build the ark (Genesis 5:32, an assumption)
  2. It took him approximately 100 years to build said ark (Genesis 7:6, he was 600 years old when the Flood took place)
  3. The Flood happened.
There’s more detail to the story than that but I wanted to point out the following:

Noah acted on the word he received from God, that a flood was coming and he was to build an ark to save not only himself but his wife, three sons and their wives with them, and a whole bunch of animals.

It took him approximately 100 years to build an ark and he continued building it, based on that one word, a flood was coming. That's a pretty long time to wait, isn't it? He could have given up at any point in time in between the start and completion of the ark, thinking that word to be false. He didn’t. He persevered and kept building it until it was fully completed. Once he finished building the ark, he and his group went in, God shut the doors and the flood happened, wiping out almost all of mankind.

Just because you believe you have a word from God doesn’t mean there's no preparation involved in the process. There will always be a period of time between the revelation of the promise and the manifestation of the promise. What we do in between both points will determine how we end up. There are people who started off well but ended up on the spiritual junkheap of life because of lack of preparation, and there are people who ended up well because they took the time to prepare themselves and consecrate themselves to carry out the plans and purposes of God for their lives.

Kenneth E. Hagin said it well, that “preparation time is never wasted time”. So make it a priority to prepare yourself, believing that what God promised you will come to pass in due time.

