Sunday, May 19, 2013

Prophecy: Follow Me

I was in the church a few days ago praying when a word came out regarding following God and receiving His guidance in every aspect of our lives.

I trust that this will be a blessing to you:


If you will follow Me and pay close attention to when I speak, I will guide you and lead you into things that will prosper you.I will guide you with My eye. Yes, My Hand will direct you and place you onto the path if you will allow me.

For I will not lead you down a path of destruction where the end is of death; for my path leads to life in all it's abundance. Do not fear and tremble when you face the storm but be bold, be of cheer for I am with you each and every step of the way.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Walking In God's Plan - Even When We Don't See It

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

Ps 32:8

8 I [the Lord] will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

2 Cor 5:7

7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

My Comments:

The Bible tells us that God has a plan for each and every single one of us, that it is His Will that we walk in and enjoy the plan that He has for us. His plan for our lives is always good.

Walking in the plan and will of God for our lives is a gradual process, not something that occurs in an instant and that comes automatically. We may know that we have a plan and call of God on our lives, but at times we may wonder whether we'll be able to fulfill that plan.

The Psalmist David in Psalm 32, spoke concerning the Lord that He'll instruct us and teach us in the way we should go, that He counsels us with His eye on us. That is something to thank Him for, that He'll never leave us to our own devices, to try and blunder our way through life, but that He'll give us guidance concerning how we can walk in His plans for our lives!

His eye is upon us, which means that we'll always be under His watchful gaze. That even if we miss a step and stray from the path set before us, He'll gently guide us back onto the right path.

Walking in God's plan involves walking by faith. God leads us step by step. For every step we take, he'll give us revelation and insight into the next step to take. We see this in Genesis where He told Abraham to come out of where he was and go to where God was leading him. He didn't reveal His entire plan to Abraham, but told him what to do and where to go, step by step.

We may falter in life and wonder whether we'll be able to fulfill the plan that we know we have from God. Don't give up! Just choose to walk by faith, knowing that God is always there to guide us back onto the right track, that He watches over us fervently and lovingly, giving us counsel when we need it the most!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Prophecy: Patsy Cameneti

The following is a prophecy given by Patsy Cameneti, a well established teacher on the subject of prayer while she was ministering at the youth service in Living Word Christian Center.

This prophecy was given out in 2011 but I feel that it's especially relevant for us today, in terms of just yielding ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit and letting Him guide us in all areas of our lives.

One thing to note is that some of the sentences may seem disjointed and unconnected. This is because while prophesying, she went into other tongues before continuing on with the rest of the prophecy. For the sake of clarity, I've inserted the phrase (tongues) to highlight the parts where she spoke in other tongues.

I trust that this will be a blessing to you


Don't override that witness. Don't override that witness. (tongues) You don't want to know what would happen if you override that witness. (tongues) You do want to know what would happen if you follow it. You'll go from strength to strength. Go from strength to strength. (tongues)

These are the days. These are the days of navigating by the Inward Witness. These are the days of not being moved and influenced from without. These are the days from listening to the One who lives within. He will speak to your heart. He will speak in your thought. He will enlighten your mind so that your thoughts become His. (tongues)

Not moved by what you see. Not moved by what you feel. Not moved by that that is around you. When there is a current  that is going in a certain direction, the moving of the Holy Spirit's current inside will be even stronger than anything that is flowing around you.

So you'll find yourself moving cross-current to this world's current that is taking them to destruction. For your destiny is not destruction! It is life, it is strength, it is light; and it is to be a strong place and in a strong place to help save those that are going the wrong direction!

And so His influence in you. His witness in you is speaking not just sometimes, but He speaks to you everyday. Today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart but respond ye unto the Holy Spirit. Respond unto His voice Respond unto His wooings. For He'll cause you to know what you need to know. And He'll prepare you to go where you need to go. And He'll cause you to learn what you need to know in the place where He has led you to go.

So that when you arrive there you'll be well prepared, you'll be thoroughly prepared for what he has prepared for you. So listen! Because even in this room there is a leading of the Holy Spirit in the area of preparation. And He'll prepare you to take on study. He'll prepare you to learn things, skills. He'll prepare you and lead you to come into some knowledge of some areas that will help you in the thing that He has prepared for you to do.

Don't reason those things away. Don't think "Oh I can't do that". You must do that! That is His plan for your life! And you'll find that as you respond onto the Holy Spirit that He'll fill your vessel. And He'll fill your understanding And your intellect will become quickened. And you'll have quick understanding of the thing He's leading you to learn Put your hand to the thing. Don't just think about it, respond ye unto the Holy Spirit.

Today if you hear His voice, respond unto Him. And as you do, take a step and He will take another and then you'll respond again unto Him and then He'll take another until it will be a fulfillment of what was prophesied through the mouth of Jeremiah that God would walk in His people, and He will walk in you, and He will literally walk you to the thing that He has ordained for you to do.

Friday, May 10, 2013

God's Plan For You Is Always Good!

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

Num 23:19-20

19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
20 Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.

Ro 11:29

29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. [He does not change His mind]

My Comments:

God declared through the prophet Jeremiah that He knows the plans for us, that they are for our good and not for evil. Every single one of us has a calling from God.

At times we may fail to walk in the plans that He has for us. Some may even lose faith in their calling from God. Others may think that due to sin, they disqualified themselves from being able to continue on in God's plans for their lives.

If that's you, I have news for you. God doesn't change His mind and disqualify you just because you missed it! In fact, as far as He's concerned, that plan is still in effect if you would just turn to Him and choose to walk in His ways!

Others may feel that they missed out on those plans due to circumstances and the people around them. That doesn't matter! What God has established for you can't be stolen by anybody! In fact, we can see an example of this in the Old Testament where a soothsayer called Balaam was hired to curse Israel as they were entering Canaan. Notice what he said in the above scripture Numbers 23:20:

" He (being God) has blessed and I cannot reverse it."

Man can try everything and anything they want, but what God has already blessed, no man can curse no matter how hard they try!

So from today's sharing, I want to point out three things:

1. God always has a plan for you, and it's always good
2. What He planned for you to do or receive, He never changes His mind about it
3. No man or circumstance can nullify the plans and blessings of God for your life!